
Scientific scope:
     The symposium covers spectroscopic and theoretical studies
     on structures and dynamics of gas-phase molecules, molecular
     clusters, biomolecules, liquids, surfaces, interfaces, films, and
     molecular crystals. Recent progress in these fields will be discussed.

     Click HERE to download the program with poster list.

Venue: Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University

Invited Speakers:
     Evan Bieske (Univ. Melbourne)
     Christophe Jouvet (Aix Marseille Univ.)
     Sang Kyu Kim (KAIST)
     Seong Keun Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
     Klaus Muller-dethlefs (Univ. Manchester)
     Timothy S. Zwier (Purdue Univ.)
     Masaaki Fujii (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
     Yoshiya Inokuchi (Hiroshima Univ.)
     Yasuhisa Mizutani (Osaka Univ.)
     Takakazu Nakabayashi (Tohoku Univ.)
     Nobuhiro Ohta (National Chiao Tung Univ.)
     Hiroshi Sekiya (Kyushu Univ.)
     Tahei Tahara (Riken)
     Akira Terasaki (Kyushu Univ.)
     Norifumi Yamamoto (Chiba Inst. Tech.)

Registration and Banquet fees:
       Regular 3,000 Yen (+ 7,000 Yen for banquet)
       Student 1,000 Yen (+ 3,000 Yen for banquet)
     Both fees are subject to slight change and will be
     received at the registration desk of the symposium.

     Send an email containing the following information
         1. Full name
         2. Affiliation
         3. Regular / Student (delete one)
         4. Email address
         5. Banquet: Attend / Absent (delete one)
         6. Comment or Special Request
     to kazu(at)chem.kyushu-univ.jp
     with the subject line "Registration to Fukuoka Symposium".
     The deadline for the registration is June 20.

Abstract submission for poster presentation:
     Use this template for preparing your abstract.
     Follow the instruction given in the template.
     The deadline for the submission is June 10.

Organizing Committee:
     Kazuhiko Ohashi (Kyushu University, Chair)
     Kenji Sakota (Osaka City University, Secretary)

     Kazuhiko Ohashi
     E-mail: kazu(at)chem.kyushu-univ.jp

