
Application (for the intramural)

(A) Procedure for acceptance

(1) Completing an application form

You can get an application form by coming the center or internal mail. Fill out the application form using this example description. Pay attention to the following things.
(a) Don't use a ballpoint pen with erasable ink (for example, Frixion Ball) to fill in a form.
(b) Don't write anything on the reverse side of the application form.
(c) Don't attach anything such as a paper and a case of a sample on the form paper.

Some parts of services were changed on April 1st 2017. In details, please check them on the following links, "Drying under reduced pressure" and "Reanalysis".

(2) Preparation of samples

Prepare your sample and put it in a container using the upper tab "Submission" . Take care not to use fragile or expensive cases. The center is not responsible for any troubles.

(3) Sending a sample with an application form by interoffice mail

You can bring them to the center directly or send them by interoffice mail with a return envelope. The client in West Zone 1 (Graduate School of Scicence etc) should bring them to the center directly.

Location:  West Zone 1 #B-206, Ito Campus (interoffice mail code: IW15)

Open:    9:00-17:15 on weekdays

(B) Report of results

<For people who bring samples to the center directly>
The center will call you on phone. Please take your results during office hours.

<For people who send samples by internal mail>
The center will return results by internal mail.

(C) Charge bills

The center will charge analysis fees on a monthly basis. You can pay them by any funds with the orgnization (jurisdiction) codes under Kyushu University, such as Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. Please be careful to write a correct fund name and code number on an application form.

The Service Center of the Elementary Analysis of Organic Compounds, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
West Zone 1 #B-206, 744 Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan
TEL/FAX : +81-92-802-6247    E-mail :